New Earth Institute
Online Registration Form For Community Lectures and CEUs
* NOTE: Community Lectures are free, CEs require a $20 processing fee.
Please remember to select the Lecture option with the fee if you want CEs
Please select the radio buttons for all your choices.
Southwestern College & New Earth Institute is licensed by the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board (#CCE0111661) and the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC ACEP No. 7520) as a Continuing Education Provider. Please check with your state’s licensing agency to see if they will accept approved CEs from these two accrediting bodies.
CEs will only be issued for 100% attendance of scheduled sessions. No CEs will be awarded for partial attendance.
Acceptable Conduct Statement
We ask that all students participating in NEI offerings follow the guidelines for Student Conduct and demonstrate the qualities outlined in the Dispositional Rubric located in the current College Catalog. Failure to adhere to dispositional and conduct guidelines may result in a student being removed from the learning environment at the discretion of the instructor or facilitator. Students who are removed or asked to leave an NEI offering will not receive credit or tuition reimbursement.
Failure to do so may result in being removed from the NEI offering, forfeiting my tuition and any CEs or degree credit.